
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
~ Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Home Guard

Do you have any idea what is the term Home Guard meant? Yupe, for those who are very good or were very good with our country history, Home Guard is a familiar term to them. But sorry lah, as for me, I had no idea what the term meant until this morning, when I checked with my sister who just sat for her PMR. Home Guard was actually a team of people team up to patrol the village during the night curfew when communists were active back in the days. 

Why am I checking this term? Well, the story started with my grandfather, who already passed away, was one of the member of the Home Guard, and his friend heard of the news few days ago saying that the Home Guard or their partners (if the Home Guards already passed away) can register themselves to claim for, I dont know, maybe payment, maybe fund. Well, this isnt the first time already, my mother told me that they had done it about 10 years ago, and claimed RM1000. Seriously, I had no idea about this, yesterday was the first time I ever heard of this claim.  

And since I am at home, I got the work to register for my grandmother, and the registration center is set at Police Station. But seriously, I only knew that my grandfather was a some kind of night guard during that period and how in the world I was supposed to explain to the police why I was there? I had no way to turn to, then I realized I can actually check with the history books, and since my sister just finished her PMR, and she is proud with her history results all the time, I should probably ask her. She checked, and found the term, Home Guard, I wasnt so sure about that, but at least, I got a term, and it is better than I go to the police and yi yi ye ye, confusing the police. Luckily, it turned out that my sister was right, before I even speak it out, the stationed policemen spoke it out when I only said the word "register...". 

Therefore, for once in my life, the first time I ever stepped in the police station, was to register for the claim for the Home Guard for my grandmother, she is the beneficiary.  

Now I only realize how amazing these old folks in receiving news!!! The newspapers never mentioned a thing, I think, and no letters received, yet these old folks are still able to know when to register, where to register. Hand up!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Android: Splash Screen

I guess almost every app has its own splash screen, maybe by showing the title of the app in an interesting way, or promoting own company or own production, but an interesting splash screen had became a must-have component to show some sophistication of the product.

As usual, starts with creating a new project. 
Remains the originally created .java file and main.xml file untouched.

We need a splash screen page and a main page, and since we already had the main page when we first created the project, we need to create another class file for the splash screen page.

Hence, the next step is to create a new layout and a new page for the splash screen. Dont forget to include an image into the @drawable folder. I named the layout as splash.xml.

After that, i create a new page for the splash screen and i named the class file as SplashClassApp.

Splash screen will disappear itself after few seconds, hence, we need to apply Thread activity to initialize the splash screen activity. In the code above, the splash screen will display for 5 seconds, sleep(5000), and once it is done, the app will continue with the next activity which is showing the first page of the app, by the codes below,

One thing to bear in mind, when we first created the project, the originally created page will always serve as the first page to be displayed when we execute the app. Splash screen however should display before anything else, so now, we need to change the manifest.xml, to alter the order of the page displaying.

And that's it. You will have ur app with a nicely designed splash screen!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011


昨天,是11月20日,其實我一直都不知道昨天是有著這麼一個意義的日子, 20-11-2011,兩個2011,難怪昨天那麼多人擺喜宴,而且還都是下午1點正入席!!









Friday, November 18, 2011

張衛健 -月圓了








年少还不懂离别 只想飞的更远
长大以后才发现 家已离得很远




01. 月圓了
02. 你值得我等待
03. 對她好一點
04. 如果你只是怕寂寞
05. 抄首情歌說愛你
06. 一夜年少
07. 如果我們堅持下來走到今天會怎樣
08 我的秘密情人
09 一夜年少(獨唱版)
10 她的微笑
11 嘻嘻哈哈

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Android: Flipping Gestures Activity

Flipping feature, I guess that is a feature that is inevitable to all touch screen apps. It is very cool to see the pages changed just by a fling, buttons no longer required. Sometimes, buttons could be very tedious!!!

As for android programming, in order to perform the flipping gesture, the best way of doing it is to include the OnGestureListener. However, be aware of the library to be imported, there are two libraries contain this listener with different implementation, which is the android.view.GestureDetector and android.gesture.GestureOverlayView. You should import android.view.GestureDetector in the project.

Since OnGestureListener is a interface class, there are several functions you need to include into your project, whether you like it or not.
  • boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) 
  • boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY)
  • void onLongPress(MotionEvent e)
  • boolean onScoll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY)
  • boolean onShowPress(MotionEvent e)
  • boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e)
Since this post is working with the flipping feature, we will only work with onFling function.

First of all, starts with a simple layout.

As you can see from the layout above, a new component, ViewFlipper is included into the xml declaration file. ViewFlipper is working as a flipper that contains the multiple views of your design. From the layout above, I created three TextView where each represent different pages when I fling my apps later. 

As usual, declare a ViewFlipper instance in the main file.

After that, in the onFling() function, add the code below,

velocityX is indicating the x-axis coordination when you fling, if you fling to the left, velocityX is less than 0, therefore it will show the previous page, it shows the next page otherwise.

android.R.anim.fade_in and android.R.anim.fade_out are animation moves that provided by android itself. These animations help to show an animation movement when we fling the pages. Refers here for more animation movements.

If we only included the codes above, it wasnt done yet! The codes above are written for the when a fling gesture detected. However, how did a touch screen device detect the fling or scroll, or other gesture activities? 

In android programming, we need to declare GestureDetector instance to detect the gestures that were applied to the screens. Includes the codes in the red boxes into the onCreate() and creates new function onTouchEvent(). 

That's it!!! You can now fling your apps!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

許茹芸 - 許茹芸的微醺音樂,你聽見了(我)嗎?





1. 夜。微醺
2. 老實情歌
3. 巴黎草莓
4. I wanna be loved by you
5. 浪人情歌
6. 只愛陌生人
7. 藍色啤酒海
8. 春光乍泄
9. 秘密
10. 向前走



許茹芸 - 秘密

許茹芸 - 向前走

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Android: Font Style

Tired with all the common fonts provided originally by Android code? Well, we can always do some alterations and bring some fun in it!

Default Font Types: 
There are five font types provided by Android, DEFAULT, DEFAULT_BOLD, MONOSPACE, SANS_SERIF, and SERIF. In order to change the font style, one can add android:typeface attribute into the XML declaration file of the components that support font styling, TextView for instance.

Other Font Type:
Do not like any of these default font types? Wanna something different and eyes catching font? Sure, get the ttf file of the font you wanted, and place it in ./assets folder (normally it is auto generated when you create a new project, else, create one manually). In this example, I downloaded a font here, named JoeHand2. Since we are going to apply the custom font, we do not include android:typeface into the TextView declaration like  what we did above.

Then in the onCreate() method, add the codes below:

Font Size:
Wanna change the font size? Sure you can, add android:textSize attribute into the XML file. There are several commonly used units, sp (scale pixels), px (pixels), dp (density-dependent pixels)

Font Style:
Surely we cannot forget one of the biggest attributes of a font, the typical font style, NORMAL, BOLD, and ITALIC. Add android:textStyle attribute, and the available values for this attributes is "normal", "bold", "italic". You can also specify "bold|italic" to apply two styles at once.

Font Color:
Sick with only black and white font colors? You can make a different too! Add android:textColor attribute!

Text Shadow:
Whenever I design with Photoshop, I am super thrilled with all the appearance properties provided by Photoshop. Though I had been complaint a lot about not to "shadow" everything, I just cant get enough!! 
There are four properties used to customize the text shadow.
  • android:shadowColor
  • android:shadowRadius
  • android:shadowDx
  • android:shadowDy
Unlike FontSize attribute, these attributes do not require any specific unit 

That's it!!! Now you can change the font properties whenever you like!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

兩瓶礦泉水 訓練全身肌肉

羨慕別人強壯的身體嗎? 沒關係,我們一步一步的練好肌肉。







1.雙腳與肩同寬站立,雙膝稍微彎曲,彎下腰讓上身與地板平行,雙手各握一 重物,如水瓶、書本等,自然下垂,與地面垂直。  








文章來源: 這裡