
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
~ Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sissel-Should It Matter

Accidentally found this song,
nice vocal, nice music,
sad lyric, though.

Sissel - Should It Matter
The video was made by taking the clip from Wuthering Heights,
I didnt know this movie before,
but guess, it was a very sad movie.

Should It Matter

I look at you

Please don't walk away
I see you're about to
There is just something I'd really like to say
So please don't walk away

I know that you're there
Still you pretend you're not
Yes I know it hurts
I have also felt the pain

So should it matter
What I do or what I've done
As long as in my heart
You're still the only one
I hear you say it
But I don't think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

It's been a year
a memory from my past
I know what I did wrong
I wish to change
Just to make it last
But I guess it's been too long

Easy to move on
To forget to about it all
Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone

So should it matter
What I do or what I've done
As long as in my heart
You're still the only one
I hear you say it
But I don't think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

If you got to know me again
Maybe then -- maybe then
We could see what what we should do
But that's all up to you
I'll be waiting for you

So should it matter
What I do or what I've done
As long as in my heart
You're still the only one
I hear you say it
But I don't think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

I hear you say it
But I don't think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

Tuesday, August 16, 2011



我十四歲的女兒凱蒂和時下青少年一樣,經常坐在沙發上,腿上擺着筆記型電腦,搜尋寫報告的資料,但同時間卻開着電視,偶爾還要瀏覽一下臉書 (Facebook)。她一面打字,一面聽iPod,不時將耳機拿開又戴上,好講行動電話。我和大多數父母都認為,這種做功課的方法完全錯誤。我們不禁要問:「耳邊這麼多聲音,怎麼思考?」做作業向來需要安靜的環境,不容絲毫令人分心的干擾。不 過,凱蒂和她的同儕認為,她們的行徑再正常不過。

每天需要面對大量資訊的不只有凱蒂這一代的年輕人。研究發現,在辦公室工作的人每三分鐘就會受到電話、電腦或同事的干擾。還有一些自詡為「馬路英雄」的駕 駛人,隨時都可以接聽行動電話。他們一邊開車、一邊講電話(違法),同時還收聽廣播。有些人覺得安靜和專注已成了世界上最稀有的珍寶。



認知訓練網站「銳腦」(SharpBrains)創辦人兼執行長阿法羅·佛南迪斯說:「高科技掃描顯示腦部不停在變化,舊細胞死了,新細胞隨時生成,並可隨腦部的工作連結出不同的新功能。」人賦予腦部的工作,確實可以改變其生理形態 。



多工(Multi- Task) 有什麼影響?
專家對於多工的看法涇渭分明,自是意料中事。身兼記者與作家的瑪姬·傑克遜相信,我們周遭的媒體訊息、推特(Twitter)和全年無休的數位資訊,正逐漸把我們推向新的黑暗時期。她說:「多工號稱可以增進效率,其實非常沒效率,因為我們必須在多項工作之間來回往返,壓根兒無法集中注意力於單一事物上。」 更糟的是,這種工作方式使得創造力毫無用武之地。

因為多工無法專注於一件事,會不會導致注意力下降?托科爾·柯寧堡醫師是斯德哥爾摩卡羅林斯卡醫學院發展認知神經科學實驗室的主持人,他主張多工絕不會導致注意力下降。一位研究人員發現,工作記憶無法擴充,但他相信腦部能在必要時擴充容量以解決這個問題。「增加的資訊處理量不僅可能無害,還可能因高度使用 工作記憶而提升認知能力。」



Monday, August 8, 2011




刚刚看了一篇文,有关闷热天气健康饮食的十大原则!我就copy and paste上来,哈哈。最近update的有点频繁啊,哈哈。


一. 多吃富含维生素和矿物质的食物。








二. 开餐前喝点水、粥、汤、羹。



三. 应少量多次补充水分。



四. 饮食宜清淡爽口。



五. 每天早餐不可缺。



六. 适当增酸加辣,以促进食欲。



七. 少吃刺激性的食物。



八. 合理设计每天的食谱。


开玩笑,现在的我们,那有可能呢? 有的吃,就偷笑了。。。

九. 新鲜卫生的食物是关键。



十. 就餐环境要舒适。






Sunday, August 7, 2011


Recently I grew fond with this band, Parachute. I forget when was the first time I heard of this band, but I guess mostly because I am listening to the online radio, and Parachute currently has this hit song, Kiss Me Slowly happend to be broadcasted in that online radio station. 

I am not a fan of rock, but sometimes, some smooth rock songs are nice.Parachute happends to be the kind of rock band that is under my acceptance, haha.

Kiss Me Slowly

Forever and Always
Kind of sad song, but beautiful...

You and Me


All the songs above are from their second album, released this year, "The Way It Was". This album was able to make through to the position 19, as their peak position on US Billboard 200.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

6个动作 改善你的睡眠

















Tuesday, August 2, 2011





1. 半月痕的數量:基本上十個指頭當中,六至八個指頭帶有半月痕已經相當不錯!半月痕大多先從拇指長出,之後依次為食指、中指、無名指,最後才到尾指。一般來說,半月痕較少出現於尾指,如果有,那人的血氣確實走得不錯!

2. 半月痕的大小:理想的狀態是佔指甲面積約四分之一至五分之一的大小。

3. 半月痕的顏色:以乳白色最好,有些半月痕呈灰白或粉紅色,代表血氣不暢、消化力弱、五臟六腑功能下降;另有些是暗紫色的,反映氣血淤滯、血液粘稠度較高、血液循環慢;特別要注意當然是半月痕呈黑色,可能是重金屬中毒或體內有腫瘤!

4. 半月痕的狀態:半月痕的邊界一定要清晰明顯,與指甲其他部份的顏色對比度高,才是理想指標。基於左手代表先天、右手代表後天的關係,一般人左手的半月痕數量較多、色澤較好也不足為奇。








原文摘与 : 这里

Kuching Food Fest 2011

Again, the once a year event, Kuching Food Fest arrived! What pop out in to ur mind first when someone mentioned about Kuching Food Fest? Lot of foods? or lot of people?? Trust me, my first thought went for the latter one, lot of people, lot of cars, and then less tables and super warm, then only i think of, oh ya, lot of food also, haha.

But u have to attend such an event no matter what right? Once a year, cincai lah.

This year, the Kuching Food Fest started from 30/7 until 22/8, and it happens to be our Malay Friends fasting month, but no contradict anyway, people tends to go food fest during evening time and it is almost or pass Buka Puasa hour.

Me, together with some kaki, went there last night, and it was the third night of the event. We thought if we go on weekdays, then should be less crowd, but it turned out, we were wrong, it was still so crowded last night. The moment i walked in the area, i told my friends that i felt the warm immediately, and few minutes later, i started perspiring.

However, lucky us, we found our seat after few minutes we walked in the area, well, technically, we shared the table with two strangers, a mother with her daughter. Then we splitted to buy our dinner, i was starving!!!

One funny thing about the food fest, it seems like there are so many options, but u have no idea of what to eat. Well, i dono about u, but i know i was, i was like lossing my way in the jungle, dono where to turn, where to go... Actually i planned what to eat before i came, and i decided to stick with my original plan, together with me, was SiangTing, and she was having the same issue also, dono what to buy, haha.

Finally, I went to buy the rice roll, which i planned before i came. I tried that last year, and it wasnt too nice actually, but i felt like trying it again. It turned out, it tasted better, and the size got smaller, well, i wasnt sure if i went to the same stall as last year. I bought the Ham Rice Roll, sorry, no picture, hahaha. But i googled for the picture. Another nice thing about the rice roll is u can still feel the heat.

Then i bought a Pork Chop Burger, which occurred to my eyes when i first stepped myself into the food fest. It basically just a pork chop between two burger breads. The pork chop tasted not bad, but not the breads and it kind of cold already.

Lastly, i bought the deep-fried twisted dough stick, dono what it is?

Ya, 油条, i dono it has such a long english name leh...hahahah...until i googled it, ahhahaha. Well, the pictures werent from my phone cam, i googled it, and if i not mistaken, i bought from this stall actually, they have a blog, not bad. I bought two, one with peanut butter, no picture found, and another one with mayonnaise. However, i was abit dissapointed, because they were cold, but still crispy, just wish they would have gave me the new fried and hot sticks!!!

That was more than enough actually, haha. When me and siangting backed to our table, waiyee already backed to the place, eating her pork burger, exactly the same as siangting bought, haha. SookKuan and SooFong finally went to hunt for their food. The strangers that spared us the table turned out to be very talkactive, in a good way i mean, haha. We chatted, non-stop, well, basically i was just answering to the mother and listened to her. I wasnt very good in chatting with stranger after all, haha. 

Waiyee bought chicken chops, and also an appetiser, mango salad something like that, and both hot and spicy, haha. The chicken chops, you can feel the curry powder when u bite, and the mango salad, u would chock on it if u eat too fast, haha. We shared the food actually, and sookkuan and soofong came back when we almost finished the food, and they bought quite a lot as well. They bought the Mango Fish, which is two fried fish chips with mango slices. I would not recommend for the Mango Fish because the fish chips tasted nothing but flour, flour and flour. They bought the twisted stick as well, with kaya.

They also bought 龙须糖, and there was one dish, i dono how to call it, it was a combination with rice and mango fruit, sook kuan said it is Mango Rice, haha.

Siangting also bought a traditional chinese kuih, i dono how to pronounce the name, hahaha.Got to say my mandarin getting worst each day, and so do other languages, headache.

Forget another nice one, the durian puff. The durian paste tasted very nice, but not the puff, haha. However, it is so expensive, RM2.80 per piece, but RM5.5 for two, what's the point??

We talked, and the memory brought us back when we were first came to Kuching back in year 2006. Sook kuan and I together with other 8 friends, whom were then turned out become the Ten-Brothers group in our faculty, we walked to Kuching Food Fest from the Crown Plaza, dono where is Crown Plaza, then u should know Parkson at down town Kuching, near the Sarawak Plaza. Ya, we walked from Crown Plaza to the Kuching Food Fest location. It did sound like a bit crazy, and we were lead by two local kuching girls, Ms AnnChee Wong, and Ms MeiHui Chang!!!! They told us it wasnt far away, ya, it wasnt, if we go by car!!! hahaha. However, it was fun, we walked, talked, and even took the picture with the big white cat!!!! The crazy TEN!!! haha...I actually appreciate the walk, even though it sounds crazy, but we have to do something crazy when we were young and capable to!!! haha.

Speaking of crazy, that wasnt the only craziest thing we done. There was one time we walked from the same location, the Crown Plaza to the HockLee centre, which is even further than the Kuching Food Fair location. And again, that time, we were lead by a local kuching citizen, our senior, Mr ShihMin Tian!!! He told us it was near, and Ms AnnChee and Ms MeiHui agreed!!! Turned out, it is even further!!! Why Hocklee center? Because i wanted to go to the HP Center, which is near to the Crown Square, and we made a mistake, taking Crown Plaze == Crown Square, damn!!! But what to do, we walked!

And if u think that was the end of our conversation last night, u were wrong!!! Waiyee wasnt with us with the two crazy walking, but her memory came back to haunt her as well. I wasnt too sure about the exact time, but i would never forget that day too. We were supposed to pick Mr KianKok Cheung from airport, but we went to BDC everise for shopping since we went out from Unimas earlier. And i remembered what we bought, precisely i remembered some of the things we bought. A friend bought a 5kg pack of rice, and some bought the brooms, toilet papers. If we took a van to the airport from the everise building, it wanst an issue at all, but the thing was, we had no transport at that time. We took a van from Unimas to BDC, then we told the uncle came to airport to pick us while we were stopped and shopping at BDC everise!!! We could have asked the uncle to pick us and send us to the airport after we done shopping, but we didnt, because, once again, our lovely senior, Mr ShihMin told us it is a short distance to go airport from the everise!!! Gosh!!! A short distance??!!! We were young and naive that time, hahahahaha, and we wasnt know Kuching well that time, so we trusted him!!! If we walked with empty hands, then ok lah, but we werent. We bought quite a lot of things, imagine my friend bought a 5kg pack of rice, she needed to carry all the way to the airport!! God help US!!!!

And when we reached airport, some of us put the stuffs at the carts. The epic moment finally came, because me and waiyee were at the back, so we heard someone said, "see, someone bought brooms eh!", they thought my friends going to bring the brooms to somewhere, since we were at the airport!!! OMG!!!

I couldnt stop laughing last night when we talked about that, it was definitely one of the crazies thing that i had done so far. But it was something that u would never forget, hahahaha.

It was no longer just a Kuching Food Fest to me, it is a memory flashback moment. Got to admit, I am about the age of doing those 想当年 le...

pictures obtained from : Internet.