
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
~ Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What the h**l??!!! RM 1.8 for Tourism Pages?

6 Facebook pages costed Malaysia RM 1,758,432.
I wonder what others  will think of Malaysia government after knowing the story.
Seriously? Roughly RM1.8 million spent just to get 6 Facebook pages?
I wonder how many millionaires had been born to this world if it really costed that much!!

Well, we do believe that we need someone to create the pages, setting up the contents,
to update and to maintance the pages from time to time,
and it does cost a dozen of dollars,
but do we need to spend RM1.8 million? 
We are not foolish or naive, whatever you want to call.

Government starts argueing that our country is now facing some financial issues,
therefore subsidise fuel been withdraw.
Just two days ago, a bunch of fishermen stopped their activities for three days to protest the subsidise of diesel been withdrawed. 
And surprisingly, we are now know where the h**l the money was spent!
6 Facebook pages costed RM1.8 million,
and who know how much else had been spent in some 'awesome' ideas over the years.

Funny thing is, our government never tired of announcing how much they had been spent in the ideas that they think they are actually helping this country evolving to become one of the modern country,
and expecting everyone saying, 'wow, RM1.8 million eh, that's must be awesome!!!' ,
instead, I guess every Malaysian might reponse in a way that more or less the same,
'!&@*#, RM1.8million??!!!'
I don't know...

Here, quoted one of the most amused quote these days,

Anyway, let's pray that RM1.8 million did spend for something worthy,
since the pages were up and money already paid,
and the objectives met, provide the best services for all the tourists that wanted to visit to Malaysia,
and the pages do not die too soon!!!

Let it be worthy! Tourism Ministry!


Tourism Ministry: RM1.8m spent on Facebook pages


yan said...

gosh..i jz wanna blog about this...
this is so damn silly...
but nothing we can do =.=

维整 said...

one thing for sure, the Tourism Ministry was proud with it!!!

Deonne said...

Hm... but this good for IT company~ :D



维整 said...

是的确不该这么早就下定论,但是很遗憾的,我们国家有一个通病,就是很多时候,都是所谓的三分钟热度,起头起跑的很快,但是半途,突然的就消失无影踪,简单地说,就是没有所谓的follow up 或 maintenance 咯。。。


