
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
~ Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Fall, so that we might learn to pick ourselves up!

"Why do we fall? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up." 
                                                        -- Batman Begins 2005

Yesterday, 5/5/2013 marked a significant milestone in Malaysia. It was our 13 general election, and everyone in town seems to be so passion to be a part of the event. People came back to their origins from all over the states, some from overseas, to cast their votes, to voice their rights.

Ubah! People started to realize this is the time for us to have a new start, a new government, a new Change. Let's not to talk about what politicians had done to make to the covers, to gain more supports, because it was all over the facebook, and frankly, I didnt even bother to look any of them. BN showing what they had done for this country, while the oppositions party in the other hand showing what BN had done to this country. And then, both parties do have one thing in common, of course, the ability of making promises. 

I actually dont really give a damn to any of these, because deep down, we are all aware of the stories behind, very well aware of the claim of 'goodness', 'contribution'  done to this country. As for the all promised promises, well, you can give all kind of promises, but at the end of the day, will them be achieved,  it is debatable.

The reason of bringing this out, was that too much information spamming on the facebook. It is one good thing to remind the people in this country, people like me, who never quite give a damn to the politic, finally straighten our sights onto it, but when everything is overflown everywhere, i started to feel annoyed. And you started to realize, some of your friends, are such a drama queen, haha. Ermm, maybe it was me, being less passionate. Gosh, kind of feel like i am a jerk right now.

Anyway, this morning, my senior was chatting with me, and he asked is it the result is not expected. I answered, nope, the result was very much expected, but i was hoping for an unexpected result. Ya, deep down in my heart, i knew with all the efforts we done, the PKR politicians hard work, i wouldnt say it was all gone, but it was definitely unpaid worthy! 

Last night was a magical night, and this magic show brought along a lot of broken hearts, and the disappointment toward this country's future. However, we come around, PKR might lose, but with dignity, and wins the hearts, this battle isnt over just yet. 

What happened last night, will always stay with Malaysian, i believe this story will pass by one generation to another, and kind of feel bad for some of the guys, they aint going to gain a good name or good fame after last night, they might be laughing, celebrating now, but i am still feel so bad for them, and especially their children, their coming generations, because they will be one to taste the fruits that seed by their ancestors last night.

I quoted a quote from Batman Begins, "Why do we fall? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up." Today, we fall, we were beaten up by all kind of plots and schemes, but we are not defeated, we will pick ourselves up, and we will keep fighting, for the next 5 years, then the coming next, and the next. If everything stays the still, and nothing change, eventually, the unchanged will be replaced, because that's the rule, nothing remains the same, except the CHANGE itself. 

3/08/2008 was a wake up call, 5/5/2013 was a booster, we shall see what's next! Let's fight for the right!